16 Personalities – Funnel Diaries

This is a super high-value funnel from the 16 Personalities website. I wanted to share it because it’s simple, straightforward, and offers incredible value for free! I think it’s great inspiration because it really shows you how to create something that is more likely to success.

In essence, it really inspires us to UPLEVEL our offers!

What is the funnel

This is a pretty short lead-gen funnel.

  • You answer a bunch of questions
  • Enter your email
  • Then you get an 8 page report on your personality type.

what I love about this funnel

Aside from the incredible value there are a lot of really great things about this funnel.

In terms of user design I really do love their choice of font. I love how big it is as well as the line-spacing.
~ As a designer I often find it hard going this big with my fonts, but to be honest it made it so much easier to read through all of the content. Especially on mobile.

And it’s not just the size. The white space makes it a lot easier on the eyes!

What I think is weird about this funnel

As far as lead-gen funnels go this is a great funnel with so much inspiration but I feel like they’re missing out on some opportunities.

They have had over 200 million people do the test, so they’re obviously doing ok. And maybe they focus their energies on the B2B world. But as a consumer I feel like their upsell strategy could be stronger. Tbh, I was a little surprised by it.

They put all this work into this funnel, and then they don’t really even seem to try to upsell me.

  • They could talk a bit more about the benefits and the “emotional” reasons I’d want one of their upsells.
  • They could show the upsell offers on all pages of the report, not just the final page.
  • They could make the final page of the report showcase the upsell in a more extravagant way.
  • They could send out an email immediately to provide more details on the offer and how it could help me in a way that the report hasn’t already.
  • And while I understand that it would be hard to send out special emails everyday based on the 16 personality types, I think it would be cool if they did this at certain times of the year. Perhaps 1 type has a hard time during certain seasons – like introverts around holiday-party time. This could help them showcase what the extra upsell will help us do.
  • They say that you can take the test every 6 months – they could send out an email every 6 months to remind us about this.

What Now?

Good question! You want to know how YOU can apply some of this to YOUR business? That is the thing about inspiration isn’t it – determining how to use it.

Based on this funnel, here are some questions you can ask yourself:

  1. Can your site be more readable? Who’s your audience – are they over 40? If so, bigger is probably better (that’s when human vision starts degrading). But even before that, bigger is better when reading online. Start paying attention to this as you read online and you’ll notice how much you appreciate bigger fonts.
  2. Does your funnel offer a little more value than what people expect. I am not suggesting you give everything away for free, but for this particular funnel it makes sense. What makes sense FOR YOU!?! And remember -at certain price-points people aren’t invested enough to really dig in and do the a ton of work.
  3. Are you making it easy enough for people to upgrade to your other offers? Is your upsell obvious enough? Are you offering to people in more than one way? If you think you’re offering it one or two more times than necessary, chances are you’re doing it enough. If not, add more links and buttons.
  4. Are you using email as effectively as you can? Is there a simple email sequence you can send out right away? Or maybe at regular intervals to make people come back – even if it’s emails that go out several months apart?

Hope that helps! But if you’re still a little unsure and would love someone to help you with your funnel send me a message!

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About the author

Susanna has been helping small brands and businesses get more value out of the web since 2008. She has worked in the areas of content creation (blog, social media), copywriting (funnels, websites, email), design (social media, website, digital), and conversion optimization (FB ads, Google ads, Youtube Ads, SEO).

Her motto is to Out-think, Out-create, and Out-convert. NOT, Out-spend!