The One Thing I learned From the 23 Experts I interviewed

Interviewing the 23 experts I interviewed for my summit was one of the most profound experiences of my life.

It gave me confidence, opened my eyes, and showed me the road that I need to be on!

It also confirmed what I already knew, helped me see a new and better path, and even helped me see that this is all pretty easy…

….At least as soon as you figure it out 😝

And as I thought about It I realized that every single one of those 23 people had one thing in common…

I think that the simplest way of narrowing it down is to say that they all have an incredibly strong Personal Brand.

Do I mean look and feel? Nono.

Most of them had that too. But some of them didn’t have that at all.

What I really mean is that they all get:

  • what they’re good at,
  • why they stand out,
  • who they can help the most.

I’m not saying that it’s easy figuring those things out, because it isn’t!

I know that isn’t for a lot of people!

But I am saying that they all had that!

I really really want it to be clear that every single one of them went through at least a little trial and error before they figured it out though. As an example:

  • Graham Cochrane shared the fact that he skirted around the real product that his people wanted for at least a couple of years.
  • Trish Leto was selling something else until her mentor told her that what she was really all about was “5 minute lives” (beforehand, this was just a little side-extra that she offered in her program)
  • Emilie Ducharme realized almost by magic that she is all about helping people rewire their brains after she noticed her clients changing as they worked with her.

And as soon as they got it, that’s when things really took off for them.

“But… how did they reach that point Susanna?”

I guess this is the confusing part right?!

We all wish that there was a straight path. We look at some people and it seems so easy for them. And then wonder, “wth, hoooow?”.

But what I realized with these people is that a really big part of it is that they started serving what they knew even before they figured out all of the puzzle pieces.

The puzzle pieces fell into place over time (not overnight!). As did their expertise and authority!

I also noticed that almost all of them got help at some point or another.

Graham was a bit of a lone wolf, but pretty much every single person I talked to got help at some point. Be it through a course, some group coaching, an accountability group, or even high-priced masterminds or coaching.

BUT, the thing that was most impactful to me, is that they embraced who they are!

By doing that they were able to build loyal followings that related to them because of exactly that!

….Exactly the thing that so many people, maybe even you, are afraid of!

I like to call that Last Thing the “likeability factor”.

It doesn’t mean that everyone likes them. Far from it!

In a lot of cases, they turn a lot of people off.

Jamie Joslin King for example, does it on purpose! She swears and is pretty dramatic in her branding – some might even call it extreme – to ensure that only people that like her, will be drawn to her.

She chooses to repel everyone else, because heck… life’s to short to work with people you don’t jive with right?!!

So In the End It really comes down to BEING YOU…

It’s just so SO important to respect what you love and what you do! No matter where you’re at!!!

When you do, you will work with the people that will not only be lifted up by you, but will also lift you up!

I want to share a bit of a private conversation I had with Sean G. Murphy post-interview to help you see this.

I asked him some questions about how is mentorship works. I was really curious about how he gets his clients past their blocks. One of my questions was even “do you make people cry?“.

And to be honest, it was kind of a joke. He works with a lot of CEO’s, so I wasn’t expecting to hear that that actually happens! BUT, it does.

And what stuck with me is that he said that the thing that leads to the breakdown is usually a big, deep motivating driver for every challenge in life.

And it was only after the summit ended and I was able to think about that, that I had my own epiphany!

There is nothing more Brave Than Branding YOU! The REAL you!

It is THE age of personal branding.

And because confidence is like a magnet, it’s so important to BE YOU!

That includes showcasing why you’re different and creating a product that reflects that!

Let me just give you some examples.

  • Sarah Walker is super spiritual and almost psychic, and if you go check out her site sometime and you’ll think “wholly kamolly!”.
  • Heather Ann Havenwood is a firecracker of a human and guess what – people love her to death because she says it like it is.
  • Mark Stern comes from a high-level job in corporate America, and boy does he ever use that to attract his tribe.
  • And I could just go on and on with EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. OF. THEM.

So I guess my point is this…

Bottle up the juju that’s 100% YOU, turn it into a personal brand, and create your own signature program out of it too!

There IS something in you that makes you, YOU and will draw people to you. You just have to own it, love it, and share it like it’s the greatest gift of all.

Now what?

Good question! There are so many places to go next?!

My experience, and what I learned from these people is that you need “your thing“. Something signature-you that’s based in you.

You can simply write down what you’re good at, think about who you are, and write your stories down… and from that, you should figure it out.

There are also some freebies that might be able to help you figure out your avatar, and others to help you figure out what your superpower is. Combined, that could help too!

Or, you can work with someone who’s superpower is helping people create “their thing”. So, if you want something a little more guided, and based on proven strategies then I created the 30 Day Kick Starter Lab FOR YOU.

Ask me about it and we can see if it’s a fit for you.

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About the author

Susanna has been helping small brands and businesses get more value out of the web since 2008. She has worked in the areas of content creation (blog, social media), copywriting (funnels, websites, email), design (social media, website, digital), and conversion optimization (FB ads, Google ads, Youtube Ads, SEO).

Her motto is to Out-think, Out-create, and Out-convert. NOT, Out-spend!